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Computer-Aided Engineering and Manufacturing

While efficiency is key to the success of any manufacturing unit, the complex and long process of bringing products from design to production often makes it challenging for manufacturers to meet their operational performance goals. Most organisations end up spending a significant amount of time on product testing and validation before moving products to the shop floor.

CAx tools not only help evaluate and validate the integrity of the product design and shorten the design time, accelerate production, provide resource efficiency and reduce the time-to-market, but also enhance communication between different stakeholders. With CAx, manufacturers can minimise engineering change orders during the production stage.

Our Computer-Aided Engineering and Modelling for Production group is eager to support you in finding customized solutions to your research and development endeavors for bringing your products to the next level by making use of our expert knowledge and state-of-the-art hardware and software tools. Our range of services includes multiscale and multiphysics modelling and characterisation of materials, modelling deformation and failure in manufacturing processes and components under extreme operating conditions, and component design.

To have further information about our services visit the links below, or contact us to discuss your problem and find customized solutions.


Celal Soyarslan

Dr. habil. Celal Soyarslan
Senior Research Engineer
Phone: +31 (0)53 489 7499

How do we help you



Simulation of manufacturing processes



Material modelling and testing



Mechanical analysis and design



Multiphysics simulation



Machine learning in manufacturing

Let's Collaborate