News article

Workshop: integration of AGVs and mobile robots in the manufacturing industry

Optimise your production process with AGVs and Mobile Robots and take the first steps for this during the workshop we organise in collaboration with Novel-T on Thursday, 13th of April 2023.

Please note: this workshop is full.

Having an effective production process is critical to staying relevant to your customers and being agile in this ever-changing world. However, the rapid advancements in the market bring forth their own unique set of difficulties, such as the shortage of (logistics) personnel, soaring labour costs, rivalry from countries with low wages, and a demand to stay relevant to your customers.

Optimisation and automation of the production processes, coupled with the introduction of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) and Mobile Robots, can help maximise the output of your facility without increasing the workload of employees. But, how can these changes be implemented within the existing framework? What are the challenges? And, how can these be addressed?

At the ‘Integration of AGVs and Mobile Robots in the Manufacturing Industry’ workshop, Jur Mourits from Twin-Tech Engineering and Martijn Jansen from AMRobotics will share their knowledge when it comes to the application of software and hardware. Additionally, we will share the knowledge and experience from Cor van Vilsteren, CEO of MCM in Marknesse, about the application and implementation of AGVs and Mobile Robots in their own production and logistics processes.

With the guidance of experts, you will have the opportunity to engage in structured discussions and learn the steps necessary to capitalise on the potential offered by AGVs and Mobile Robots. Upon completion, you will be able to understand the possibilities, anticipate potential pitfalls, and devise concrete strategies to begin your AGV/Robotics integration journey. Please note that the workshop will be conducted in Dutch.

Programme Thursday 13 April 2023

8:45 – 9:00: Arrival
9:00 – 9:10: Welcome & introduction workshop
9:10 – 9:45: Presentation MCM – Cor van Vilsteren – CEO at MCM – shares his experience about the application of AGVs and mobile robots within the processes of MCM
9:45 – 10:00: Presentation AMRobotics – Martijn Jansen – CEO at AMRobotics talks about the application of the hardware

10:00 – 10:20: Coffee and tea break

10:20 – 10:35: Presentation Twin-Tech Engineering – Jur Mourits – CEO at Twin-Tech Engineering talks about the application of the software
10:35 – 12:15: Workshop – Workshop session by FIP-AM@UT’s Research Engineer Joris Spikker. Provides insight into the possibilities, challenges, and opportunities around the integration and implementation of AGVs and mobile robots in various processes. In break-out sessions you dive deeper into the issues and solutions that may apply to your specific situation
12:15 – 12:30: Wrap-up break-out sessions

12:30 – 13:00: Lunch and networking

For whom:
Engineers, Production and Operations Managers, and (Technical) Directors

Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Advanced Manufacturing at the University of Twente
Hengelosestraat 701
7521 PA Enschede (NL)
