With the Lean Experience Center

In today’s dynamic landscape, organisations worldwide are increasingly turning to Lean principles and techniques to streamline their operations and drive efficiency. From small-scale startups to multinational corporations, the adoption of Lean methodologies has become synonymous with achieving operational excellence and staying competitive in an ever-evolving market.

Every year, the Lean Experience Center (LEC), centrally located opposite the train station in Amersfoort, hosts hundreds of individuals eager to immerse themselves in Lean principles and techniques. As the largest Lean game in the Netherlands, the LEC, owned by Symbol, offers participants a unique opportunity to dive into the intricacies of Lean methodologies while experiencing firsthand the transformative power of process optimisation.

At the LEC, participants are challenged to optimise the operations of a simulated bicycle factory using real-time data, aiming for maximum logistical and financial efficiency. Through engaging in this immersive experience, teams witness the tangible benefits of Lean principles and gain insights into how real-time process data can drive continuous improvement. Drawing inspiration from the ancient wisdom of Confucius, who famously said, “I remember 10% of what I hear, but 90% of what I hear, see AND do,” the LEC employs a hands-on approach to learning. Through serious gaming—a technique where participants learn by doing—key Lean methodologies are imparted and applied step by step.

But where traditional Lean games end, the LEC takes a leap forward into Industry 4.0. Each workstation is equipped with digital work instructions, and every product is tagged with a unique RFID identifier.


Various apps and software generate real-time data, offering immediate visibility into inefficiencies such as high intermediate stocks and long waiting times. Utilising Process Mining, the logistical flow of products is visualised, enabling participants to pinpoint areas for improvement with unprecedented precision.

Within the Lean Experience Center, participants encounter a simulated environment mirroring real-life operational challenges. From partial and final assembly activities to warehouse management, the simulation encompasses over 50 product variants, each presenting its own set of complexities. Through tackling these challenges, participants gain valuable insights applicable to a wide range of processes, spanning technical operations to office workflows.

The LEC experience is designed for any employee directly or indirectly involved in process improvement or seeking to enhance efficiency in their work environment. The primary objective is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Lean concepts through interactive learning. By immersing themselves in the Lean simulation, participants come to recognise the implications of Lean principles for their own roles and work environments, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

In essence, the Lean Experience Center encapsulates the essence of Lean principles while embracing the transformative potential of Industry 4.0 technologies. Through a blend of experiential learning, real-time data analysis, and immersive simulations, participants emerge equipped with the knowledge and skills to drive meaningful change within their organisations.

The integration of Lean principles and techniques empowers organisations to achieve operational excellence. Through hands-on simulations and real-time data analytics, participants gain invaluable insights into driving continuous improvement within their operations. As we embrace the future of manufacturing, the adoption of Lean methodologies paves the way for enhanced efficiency and agility, shaping a transformative journey towards organisational excellence.