Service packages | DreAM

Development and REdesign for Additive Manufacturing

What is DreAM?

DreAM is a service that helps manufacturing companies explore the possibilities of Additive Manufacturing (AM). Over three half-day workshops, we look at how AM can benefit your current production processes and introduce you to different AM technologies. Together, we identify potential applications based on your company’s goals. In the final session, we present the results, and a demonstration piece created specifically for your business.

Who is it for?

Manufacturing companies who are looking to change their products (e.g. to include complex geometrical or customisable features), their processes (to become more adaptable and agile) or their supply chain might like to see how AM can help achieve these.

Why would you want to do this?

AM can provide manufacturing capabilities not achievable using conventional technology. It can therefore be difficult to fully understand the benefits and pitfalls without expert guidance on AM adoption.

Leave your details and we’ll contact you without obligation!


An overview of AM technologies and processes

2-pager of the AM opportunities at your company

Hands-on experience with the design process for AM

Demonstration piece tailored to your industrial environment


€6.000 excluding VAT*
*An EDIH subsidy is eligible


Day 1: Intro to AM. Location: Company

  • Knowledge session: AM process and methods
  • Visit: company’s production facilities
  • Exercise: Identifying opportunities for AM

Day 2: DfAM. Location: FIP-AM@UT

  • Knowledge session: Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM)
  • Visit: Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC)
  • Definition of AM Goal
  • Exercise: brainstorming on AM applications
  • After-workshop practice: CAD design for printing at the AMC

Day 3: Scenario development. Location: Company

  • Exercise: brainstorming on AM applications
  • Impact/effort analysis from opportunities
  • Scenario development from one opportunity

Day 4: Final presentation. Location: Company

  • Workshop results
  • Printed demonstrator

Plan your appointment