Advanced Manufacturing Program
This funding program aims to support you in your transformation to Manufacturing 4.0. The AMP is made possible through the RegioDeal that is supported by Provincie Overijssel and the Dutch state.

FIP-AM@UT aims to drive innovation in areas that are relevant to your company and to society. Available fundings through FIP-AM@UT to empower your organisation to work with research experts and test the latest technology.
This funding program aims to support you in your transformation to Manufacturing 4.0. The AMP is made possible through the RegioDeal that is supported by Provincie Overijssel and the Dutch state.
On 28 May 2020, the Commission proposed the Recovery assistance for cohesion and the territories of Europe (REACT-EU) package to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic for the region’s most hit by the crisis.
To support SMEs in the manufacturing industry in their digital transition and innovation, the FIP-AM@UT is, co-funded as part of the Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, investing in the development of the Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMC): a test factory for the manufacturing industry. With this, FIP-AM@UT takes an important next step in our mission to support companies in their journey to Industry 4.0.
EDIH BOOST Robotics East NL is a subsidy programme that connects local innovation parties in the Eastern Netherlands who specialise in the field of Robotics & Sensing. The subsidy is aimed at the sectors that are most strongly represented in the region: manufacturing, agrifood, and healthcare.
FIP-AM@UT will, as one of the participating field labs on behalf of the University of Twente, help SMEs with support on R&D and feasibility studies at the Advanced Manufacturing Centre according to the test-before-invest principle, or guide them to an expert partner field lab.