Press release

Rijk reserves 30 million for regional deal with Twente

The Twente Region and Twente Board are pleased with the government’s decision to allocate 30 million euros for a Regional Deal with Twente. Twente receives the money for tackling various tasks: expanding the Twente top work locations, a smart manufacturing industry 4.0, a future-oriented labor market and the transition to a circular economy. Because the co-financing partners in Twente provide at least the same amount as co-financing, the region is able to further develop its craftsmanship, knowledge and technology.



Within the program of this regional deal, eleven projects have been named on which Twente will be working together with the government in the coming period. The projects are clustered in four domains:

  • Ability to recruit/spot future talent
  • Two research groups of MSc students
  • Investing 400 hours of research each
  • Design proposal and a proof of principle

The University of Twente is one of the parties in this deal and has requested the following projects:

  • Advanced Manufacturing Program : this program contributes to rapid adaptation of technologies and transformation in the manufacturing industry, including redesign of the production process. The leading European research institute Fraunhofer Project Center plays a central role in this. This program aims, among other things, at the growth of innovative technology companies and startups in the Eastern Netherlands
  • PDEng for Digital Transformation and Advanced Manufacturing : this program is about training and deploying technological designers who help companies create technical solutions for products, processes and systems. This aims, among other things, at an additional knowledge boost and a stronger competitive position of the regional high-tech business community in this region.
  • Citizenlab East : in this program, groups of citizens and patients investigate the contribution of technological innovations to health and lifestyle in a Citizenlab. This involves improving health with the help of medical technology and the involvement of a large group of citizens
  • Twente Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in Amsterdam : together with the Free University in Amsterdam, the UT is setting up a branch office to offer the Twente Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. This ties highly qualified engineers to the Twente region by having them spend part of their study time in Twente and aims at a better match between the workforce of Amsterdam and market demand in Twente

In addition, the University of Twente is involved in the requested project ‘Area Development and Accessibility Top Work Locations,’ as well as in the application regarding labor market and talent.

The government expects to be able to sign the regional deals in the spring of 2019 and it will then become known exactly how the funds are distributed.

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