Message from the Editors

A year ago, I was a key player in the team at FIPAM@ UT who were preparing for the upcoming tasks of having the Advanced Manufacturing Centre finally open and running. Along with this new centre came new opportunities, new lessons to be learned, and new ideas to improve the Dutch manufacturing industry. It was indeed an exciting and fulfilling experience.

With that now behind us, and with an open mindset, I look forward to my new role in InnovatieNU. This has been a path full of learning opportunities and new discoveries since I joined the team as a student only a couple years ago to
now taking on the role of co-editor.

In the spirit of change, I invite you to embrace a mindset of exploration, learning, and evolution for the well-being of our environment and our communities from the lens of sustainable manufacturing. It may seem as too complex a challenge, but it is vital to untangle and explore its different aspects.

From a manufacturing perspective there are already multiple efforts made, alternative solutions being explored, and a vast sea of opportunities to bring into your company. From research to market, in the articles that follow you will discover paths for sustainable action in diverse areas of the Dutch manufacturing industry.

Let’s embark on this journey together towards discovering the future of sustainable manufacturing in its multiple forms via Industry 4.0, additive manufacturing, smart textiles, alternative sources of energy, sustainable packaging, and much more.

Signature Estefanía Morás Jiménez
Research Engineer
Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Advanced Manufacturing at the University of Twente